Activities Concerning Beijing’s Magnificent Trees
- Encounters with Ancient Beijing, Its Legacy in Trees, Stone and Water 2004, China Intercontinental Press (English, Chinese, Japanese, French, German and Spanish)
- Witnesses to Time: The Magnificent Trees of Beijing, 2007, Sanlian Shudian Press
(English and Chinese)
- Walks Among Beijing’s Venerable Trees, 2010, China Intercontinental Press (English)
人民中国 ‘People’s China’ Articles: Beijing’s Trees, Stone and Water
(2005 – 2006, 8 articles on Ancient Trees, 人民中国 People’s China, Japanese)
“Trees that have Survived 1,000 Years”, Green World「緑色世界」p.28-p.29 2005.10
“Tree Conversations” 樹の話, Green World「緑色世界」p.10, 2005.11
“Beijing’s Old Villages” photo essay(including old village trees) (Chinese), China Culture Pictorial 中华文化书报 2005.12,pp.86~97
“Aged Trees as Old as Beijing”, Cultural Geography Magazine人文地理 (Chinese),pp.130~140, 2004.10.5
Photo Exhibitions on Beijing Trees:
- “Looking Back at the Ancient Capital with Foreign Eyes”(including tree photos), Joint exhibit with K. Liu, Working People’s Cultural Palace, 2002.2.12~18
- “Beijing’s Ancient Villages”(including tree photos), Joint Exhibition with 3 other photographers, Confucius Temple,Beijing, 2003.11
- “The Venerable Trees of Beijing”, Beijing Botanical Gardens, 2004.4
- “Beijing’s Old and Famous Trees”, One Table Restaurant, Donghuamen, Beijing, 2005~2006
- “Ginkgo Trees of Beijing”, Dajuesi Temple, 2005.10
- “The Famous Trees of Beijing” 「北京の名樹と名木」: 12 Joint Exhibitions with Mr. Qi Youchang 齐友昌 in China and Japan:Arts Gallery by the Big Bell Temple 2006.1, Jingshan Park 2006.5, Beijing School of Nursing 2006.6, Beijing’s Changping Cultural Center 2006.8, China Forestry University 2006.10、Tanzhesi Temple 2006.10, Beijing Minorities University 2007.3,Culture Center Baiwangshan 2007.8, Beijing Jiufeng Temple 2007.10, Mangshan National Forest Park 2008.4, Biyunsi Temple, 2009.10, Chiba University, Japan 2009.11
“Beijing’s Venerable Trees”, One Table Restaurant, 2005
“Beijing’s Historical Trees”, Beijing International Society, 2004.9
“Beijing’s Old Trees”, College Student Group, Beijing 2005.11
“The Ancient Capital of Beijing: Its Trees and Water”, French Society of Beijing, 2005.11
“Aged Trees of Beijing”, Nursing Academy, Beijing 2006
Book Launches: “Encounters with Ancient Beijing”, Beijing, 2005.1
“Witnesses to Time”, Sanlian Bookstore Hall, Beijing 2007.11.27
2003.11.25: “Scenes of Beijing’s Old Villages”, China Radio International, Japanese
2004.4.4 and 4.16: “Beijing’s History, especially the importance of the ancient trees” in Touch Beijing-Beijing Story Series, Beijing Television (Japanese with Chinese subtitles)
2004.5: “Beijing’s Guilty Tree”, BBC-radio: English for BBC series on trees with history. (I wrote the fifteen minute program concerning the tree in Beijing’s Jingshan Park where the last Ming Emperor hung himself.)
2004.9 and 10: “Trees of Beijing”, Life in Beijing Series, Beijing Radio English Broadcast