Articles by Ginny Anami
Selected articles will be posted as they are available.
Jiji Press Articles Weekly eWorld
(2007 – 2012) 18 articles Jiji Press (English, Japanese)
人民中国 ‘People’s China’ Articles: Beijing
“Talking of Beijing’s Trees, Stone and Water”
(2005 – 2006, 24 articles, 人民中国 ‘People’s China’, Japanese, )
人民中国 ‘People’s China’ Articles: Ennin
“Following the Footsteps of Ennin Jikaku Daishi”
(2007 – 2008, 24 articles, 人民中国 ‘People’s China’, Japanese)
人民中国 ‘People’s China’ Articles: Liao & Jin
“Going Back One Thousand Years: the Liao and Jin Dynasties”
(2009 – 2010, 24 articles, 人民中国 ‘People’s China’, Japanese)
Asahi Evening News/ International Herald Tribune Articles: “Vanishing Voices of Old Beijing”
(2002.5~2003.10, 20 articles, English)
Asahi Evening News Articles:”Behind and Beyond Beijing’s Walls”
(1996.5~1997.11, 20 articles, English)
“Along Ennin’s Path in Tang Dynasty China”, Nihon Keizai Shinbun 日本経済新聞 (Japanese), 1998.2.10
“Thousand Year Pilgrim Paths: Taking you to Find Liao and Jin Buddhist Relics”, Fojiao Wenhua 佛教文化 (The Culture of Buddhism)(Chinese),1998.7
“Exploring the Liao and Jin Relics of the Capital”, China National Geography 中国国家地理(Chinese), 2002.5, pp.116~122
“Witness to a Golden Bond: Story of the 33rd Abbot of Beijing’s Tanzhesi Temple, Japanese Monk Wuchu Deshi (Musho Tokushi)”,The Voice of Dharma 法音 (Chinese),pp.31~33,2002.9
“Riding Out Sars in Beijing” Scripps College Bulletin, 2003 Summer, p.34
“Following the Path of Ennin:Japan’s Xuan Zang”, China National Geography 中国国家地(Chinese), 2003.10, pp.124~141
“Honoring Our Rural Heritage”, Beijing Today (English), p.5, 2003.11.14
“Keeping the Moss of History”, Beijing Today (English), p.6,2004.1.30
“Following the Footsteps of Monk Ennin”, The Voice of Dharma 法音 (Chinese), 2004.9, 10
“Aged Trees as Old as Beijing”, Cultural Geography Magazine 人文地理 (Chinese),pp.130~140, 2004.10.5
“Trees that have Survived 1,000 Years”, Green World「緑色世界」p.28-p.29 2005.10
“Tree Conversations” 樹の話, Green World「緑色世界」p.10, 2005.11
“Beijing’s Old Villages” photo essay (including old village trees) (Chinese), China Culture Pictorial 中华文化书报 2005.12,pp.86~97